Saturday, April 16, 2005

Center for Creative Leadership Day 5 - Noto Bene

It would be impossible to capture in any single post what it was like for me to be among such interesting people and to share ideas and feelings with them on a peer-to-peer basis. The remarkable diversity of these individuals was indeed matched by the career paths and industries they had chosen for themselves: the US Secret Service, pharmaceutical research, chemical spill cleanup, satellite TV sales, landscaping, finance, insurance, non-profits, the US Navy and Army, automobile sales, utilities, food additives to name a few. This photograph was given to us by the incoming captain of the USS Kitty Hawk which is permanently stationed in Tokyo.

For those of you who have friends or loved ones in harm's way, if Ed McNamee is in any way reflective of the quality of our officer corps, then we are certainly blessed by bright, competent, humane and caring people who are in charge of protecting us.

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