Saturday, December 24, 2005

Still New

Christmas Eve. Still trying to learn the mechanics and the protocol of writing a weblog. Have been reading many and realize how well informed most of the writers are (even if I disagree with them) and can't imagine why anyone would want to read mine.

That is, of course, if the point is to be a journalist, which for me is not the point at all. Mostly, I am interested in finding a verbal outlet for the confused matrix of ideas that I think is binding our lives at the moment (or at least mine).

Namely, I am trying to find a definition for who I am which fits into my values and reconciles my outward lifestyle to my inward struggles. In other words, I'm an over 50 post middle-age-crisis male who is a dyed-in-the-wool-liberal Christian. My profession is fund-raising among wealthy people for a private school which educates their children and I find no cognitive dissonance in that activity.

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