Monday, October 30, 2006

Lose Weight by Meditation

You can lose weight by Meditation. Before starting to work on Meditation first understand the process of Meditation i.e. how it works?

Meditation is a process, a journey, rather than a goal or a destination. It basically consists of paying attention to your breathing and letting go of distracting thoughts. It sounds simple but sometimes it takes years and years of practice to accomplish this quieting of the mind. The process does have many benefits. It allows your mind to become calm and your mind and body to become deeply relaxed, resulting in a reduction of stress, a clearer mind, increased concentration, sharper focus and enhanced memory.

It reduces stress and, therefore, reduces cortisol, a chemical byproduct of stress that tends to help the body produce blood sugar from proteins and use the excess glucose for fat production. Cortisol is also believed to increase the desire for and consumption of high-fat foods which you will want to avoid.

There are various techniques to do meditation you can choose one of them and start. Invent your own soothing ritual before you meditate. Maybe it's at night after a bath, or at dawn before the rest of the world is awake. Light a candle, take a few deep breaths, and dedicate your meditation to the enfoldment of your highest potential. Say a prayer, chant or burn some incense if you wish. A tranquil and reverent atmosphere helps to induce a meditative state. Some people find Meditation Music helpful.

How long you meditate each day depends on you. A good beginning is 10 to 15 minutes per day. You might find that you naturally expand your meditation time by adding five minutes here and there. Another way to expand the time you meditate is to set a goal of adding five minutes each week until you adopt a natural rhythm of twenty to thirty minutes. One of the pitfalls of beginning meditators is to be too ambitious. Trust your intuition and start off with an amount of time that feels comfortable for you. Consistency brings remarkable long-term benefits.

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