Friday, January 02, 2009
Class reunions
Coughlin Class 1953: Coughlin High School Class of 1953 will throw its 55th reunion Saturday, Aug. 30, and Sunday, Aug. 31. An water ice ledgeman will be held Saturday astatine 5 p.m. at The Cafe, Plains Township. The reunion will be held Lord'S Day astatine 5 p.m. at the Appletree Terrace, Newberry Estates, Dallas. Reservations should be made by Tuesday, Aug. 5. For information, phone call Babe Ruth William Carlos Williams at 822-8697. Lake-Lehman Class 1988: Lake-Lehman High School Class of 1988 have extended the deadline for reserves for its 20th reunion to Monday, July 7. The reunion will be held Friday, Aug. 1, at the Appletree Terrace, Dallas. Ticket cost is $50. Tickets will not be available at the door. For information, visit the social class Web site, or contact Donna I. A. Richards Zampetti astatine 639-2626.Plymouth Class 1958: Plymouth High School Class of 1958 will ran into Tuesday, July 15, at 7 p.m. at Happy Pizza, 40 W. Main St., Plymouth. The reunion will be held Saturday, Oct. 4, at the Ramada Inn, Wilkes-Barre. An water ice ledgeman will be held Friday, Oct. 3, at Happy Pizza. Addresses are are needed for Denah Abrams, Marjorie Bezdziecki, Henry Martin Robert Bogdon, Jean Byczkowski, Anne Chervenitski, Toilet Chervenitski, Artemis Cooper, Frances Dopko, Theodore Dravage, Barbara Finn, Margaret Groblewski, Linda Hearing, Seth Seth Seth Thomas Howard, Lois Hreha, Elmer Jones, Beth Klavonski, Margaret Kotch, Lothringen Kravabloski, Saint George Malesky, Frances Masavage, Darlene Mont, Empire State Of The South Murphy, Toilet Oakschunas, Saint Andrew Petsu, Chief Joseph Prego, Thomas Rakaczewski, Toilet Rudnicki, Toilet Sipper, Patricia Szakalun, Kenneth Thomas, Patricia Youells, Phillip Vanesco and Toilet Zafia. Those with information should name Anita at 779-4093 or Pat at 655-6196 or e-mail John at Coughlin Class of 1979: Coughlin High School Class of 1979 will ran into Monday, July 14, astatine 7 p.m. at Pattes Sports Bar, Wilkes-Barre. The reunion will be held Aug. Eight at the Checkboard Inn, Trucksville. To supply computer addresses or petition information, e-mail Class 1968: Northwestern United States Area High School Class of 1968 will throw a picnic-style reunion Saturday, Aug. 16, at Shickshinny Lake. Addresses are needed for Henry Martin Robert Herschap, Patricia Holzman, Donald Phillips, Beverly Yokem, Joel Dennis, Sharon Engle, Uncle Tom Howard Carter and Elmore Leonard Gryskiewicz. Anyone who was a member of the social class of 68 is invited. Reservations are required and should be made by calling Neil, 256-3288, Karen, 256-3523 and Buzz, 864-3619.Meyers Class 1979: Meyers High School Class of 1979 will ran into Thursday, July 10, astatine 7 p.m. at the Riverbank Cafe, Old River Road, Wilkes-Barre. A commission will be formed in order to get the planning process. For information, contact Jeff and Bernadette Frail at Oregon 829-2382. St. Johns Class 1959: St. Johns High School Pittston Class of 1959 will ran into Tuesday, July 15, astatine 7 p.m. at Valentis Resturant Exeter. For information, phone call 457- 5877. gar Class 1962: gar High School Class of 1962 will throw its 46th reunion Saturday, Aug. 23, at American Host Post 644, Swoyersville. Addresses are needed for Rose Ann Jones, Elmore Leonard Karliunas, Chief Joseph Lombardo, Nora Moran, Prince Edward Nanorata and Fiore Olivieri. For information, phone call Dan Mello at 288-8759 or Carol Gavis Popeck at 696-2052. gar Class 1950: gar High School Class of 1950 will throw a field day reunion Saturday, Aug. 23. Addresses are needed for Claire Kulhn, Virgin Mary Coulter, Lois St Martin Sensman, Katherine Staley and Gloria Cera Garcia. For information, contact Bill astatine 675-1277 or Class 1963: Meyers High School Class of 1963 will ran into Thursday, July 24, at 7 p.m. at Elks Lodge, 39 Herbert Mclean Evans St., Pringle, to program the 45th reunion. The reunion will be Friday, Aug. 29, with a get-together Saturday, Aug. 30. Addresses are needed for Ralph Barton Perry Baumhaft, Vivian Blakely, Queen Victoria Chabin Duskasky, Heidi Coutinho, William Cunningham, Dorothy Davis, Jeffrey Heller, Chester Kitchen, Steven Lurie, Fred Monseur, Donald Stah and John Wayne Thomas. For information, contact Alice Paul at 654-2847. Lake-Lehman Class 1973: Lake-Lehman High School Class of 1973 will throw its 35th social class reunion Saturday, Aug. 23, at Harveys Lake American Legion. An informal get-together volition be held Friday, Aug. 22, at Grotto Pizza, Harveys Lake. A field day will be held Sunday, Aug. 24, at Sandy Beach. Addresses are needed for George C. George C. George C. Scott MacDougall, Aluminum Sanfanandre, Virgin Virgin Mary Haczewski, Debbie Norman, Mark Godlewski, Shirley Hall, Mary Ann Levi, Linda Scott, Curt Hules, Annette Miller, Seth Thomas Cooney, Gary and Bev Crawford, Jean Good, Roger Havard, Tim Raver, Linda Scott, Kathy Williams, Joe Wolovitch, Bill Schaffer, Roger Weggel and Francis Stash. For information, contact Liz at Oregon Claire at 518-374-5325 or gar Class 1951: gar High School Class of 1951 will throw an out-of-door get-together Sunday, July 13, from twelve noon to 7 p.m. astatine the Checkerboard Hostel Pavilion, Carverton Road, Trucksville. Reservation deadline is Monday. For information, phone call Marilyn astatine 288-3102 or Gil at 824-9425.Marymount Class 1963: Marymount High School Class of 1963 will throw its 45th reunion Sunday, Aug. 31, beginning with a Mass at 9 a.m. at St. Marys Church of the Maternity, Wilkes-Barre. A Dutch dainty brunch will follow at the Woodlands Inn, Plains Township. Reservations should be made by Tuesday, July 15, with Joanne Nardone, 824-3040; Dennis Kijek, 868-3649; Bokkos Mika, 472-3710, and Chief Joseph Mrozosk, 822-4302. Kingston Class 1963: Kingston High School Class of 1963 will throw its 45th reunion Saturday, Aug. 30, and Sunday, Aug. 31. An water ice ledgeman will be held Saturday astatine 7:30 p.m. at Shanix/Roccos, 385 Main St., Edwardsville. The reunion will be held Lord'S Day astatine 6 p.m. at the Irem Temple Country Club, Dallas. Addresses are needed for Jane Black, Susan Devlin, Henry Martin Robert Harding, Saint George Hasaka, Susan Lewis, Karenic Mosier, Virgin Mary Ann Sabol, Sharyl Bennett, Susan Bennett, Megan Besecker, Frances Bialek, Michael Bresler, Jack Brooks, Chester Cikota, Toilet Christian, Saint David Colby, Geraldine Crop, Betsy Grimes Kopec, Kurt German, Irene Gilefski, Judy Guilford, Herb Hardy, Margret Hock, Arlene Hulanick, Peggy Jackson, Marion Karlovich and Prince Edward Wilson. Those with information should reach Lyn Herbert Mclean Evans Kolaski at 288-6265. Pittston Area Class 1988: Pittston Area High School Class of 1988 will throw its 20th social class reunion Friday, Nov. 28, at Convention Hallway in Pittston Township. The planning commission is in the procedure of updating classmates contact information. Visit the social class website at to update information and to have updates about the reunion or contact Virgin Mary Joseph Oliveer Giardina at 654-9559 or Erectile Dysfunction McNulty at 299-0022. gar Class 1953: gar High School Class of 1953 will throw its 55th social class reunion Saturday, Aug. Sixteen and Sunday, Aug. 17. A field day will be held Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. astatine the Harveys Lake Beach club. A response and dinner will be held Lord'S Day from 4 to 8 p.m. astatine Appletree Terrace, Newberry Estates, Dallas. Addresses are needed for Simon Peter Cera and Shirley Oleniak Kuhl. For information, phone call Jean Marie LaMas Reichard at 823-9476. Plains Class 1958: Plains Memorial High School Class of 1958 will ran into Tuesday, July 8, astatine 7:30 p.m. at the place of Teresa and bill Mikelski to additional programs for the 50th social class reunion Aug. 31 at the Equality State Valley Country Club.Plymouth Class 1958: Plymouth High School Class of 1958 will throw its 50th reunion Saturday, Oct. 4, at the Ramada Inn, Wilkes-Barre. An iceboat will be held Friday, Oct. 3, at Happy Pizza, Plymouth.Pittston Area Class 1988: Pittston Area High School Class of 1988 will throw its 20th social class reunion Friday, Nov. 28, at Convention Hallway in Pittston Township. The planning commission is in the procedure of updating classmates contact information. Visit the social class website at to update information and to have updates about the reunion or contact Virgin Mary Joseph Oliveer Giardina at 654-9559 or Erectile Dysfunction McNulty at 299-0022. Occident Pittston Class 1948: Occident Pittston Class of 1948 is planning its 60th reunion, Information on the followers schoolmates is needed Henry Martin Robert Anderson, Prince Charles Andrews, Prince Eugene Of Savoy Blicharz, Virgin Mary Zingaretti Cristiano, Antoinette Pugliese Dunling, Margaret Stibzen Dymond, Ralph Frost, Dr. Saint David Grow, Barbara Dame Myra Hess Gullans, Harold Hoover, Betty Dymond Ide, Harriet Kramer Mitchneck, Betty Short Stichler, Carol Rossman Stine, Elwood Wintle.Wyoming Valley Occident Class 1968: Equality State Valley Occident High School Class of 1968 will throw its 40th reunion Saturday, Aug. 30, from 6 p.m. to midnight at Irem Temple Pavilion, Dallas. Addresses are needed for Gerard Harchar, Carol J. Woody Allen Hunold, Janet K. Harrison, Michael S. Neiman, Chief Chief Chief Chief Joseph I. Ambar, Alan L. Heidig, Helen Of Troy J. Amos Popvich, Linda Herbert, Maureen J. Ostroskie Sambo, Catherine Of Aragon Anderson, Sandra A. Hlavac Vensky, Sylvia J. Hochteil, Toilet J. Padavan, Raymond J. Pechal, Kenneth Vitamin E Hopkins, Peggy L. Pellam, Sonya Horek Evans, Frank Handley, Lion C. Petroski, Benzoin M. Hughes, Debbie K. Pietrangeli, Seth Seth Thomas J. Baltuskonis, Donna M. Pinkoski Skoloda, Ronald Jacobson, Linda A. Barno, Donald M. Jaken, Christy Ann Pollock, Carol A. Bednar, Judy Ann Samuel Samuel Johnson Lunny, Michael J. Bencho, Carolyn R. Johnson, Sheryl D. Rabinowitz Kirshenbaum, Toilet C. Benkoski, Saint Saint David Bruce J. Jones, Leslie Howard Rein, Darcel R. Floyd Bennett Glatz, Doreen M. Mother Mother Jones Kucek, Ruthann Rhone River Harrison, Virgin Virgin Virgin Mary E. Benscoter Balavage, David C. Richards, Bruno Walter C. Rinus, Lion S. Blaine, Michael E. Rogers, Patricia C. Kaminski, David J. Rogers, Jane W. Roos, Angelina Bogert, Joseph M. Kasper, The Queen City Rovis, Linda G. Boyar Davenport, Alice T. Johannes Kepler Andrews, Toilet P. Ruczynski, Cathy I. Beam Bradbury Sheffield, Richard Kerr, Nancy N. Brader Hughes, Frank W. Brader, Michelle Klem, William H. Shafer, Carol A. Brown Koteen, Ray M. Kobusky, Jesse James James Joyce Shellhamer Mundy, James T. Bulger, Maureen C. Kopko, Elmore Leonard F. Burger, Mary Louise Shotwell, Joan Kosloski Burke, Prince Prince Edward J. Shucosky, Ellen Krishock Bloom, Rose Marie Shulskie, Linda M. Caccia, Donna B. Krzywicki Edwards, Judith A. Siarkowski Shipe, Diane B. Kush Heidcavage, Nadine Skopic Michael J. Carr, Debra A. Ian Ian Smith Donovan, Terri F. Cohen, Henry Martin Henry Martin Henry Martin Henry Martin Henry Martin Robert F. Smith, Ronald K. Cooper, Rosalind Smulovitz McFadden, Prince Charles M. Degavage, Brant S. Speigel, Joseph I. Doran III, William Stanukenas, Ernest W. Stiles, Linda S. Emershaw Doten, Judith C. Long Turrell, Joseph Stusnick III, Arlene J. Erceg Longseth, Deborah A. Lozinski Sobiecki, Agnes M. Swire Marth, Alan J. Evanoski, Gail H. Szabo Wolfson, Daniel W. Evans, Robert P. Stair, Charie A. Evans, Andrea Terescavage, Karenic Evans, Toilet M. MacCartney, James Garfield Thomas, Toni Jean Margavage, Robert C. Figlock, Edward A. Vnuk, Toilet Flanagan, Robert E. Masterson, Raymond J. Voitek, Donna Matson, Jean Golightly, Toilet M. May, Erlene J. Golightly Metzger, Saint Christopher Messenger, Robert A. Grumblis, Marlene M. Mikulski, Carmen F. Milazzo, Mary Mochan Nealon, Joyce Muchler Zupancic, Susan C. Mudrick Derrico, Chester A. Arthur R. Walko, Lawrence. Wallison, Donald C. West, Margaret A. William Carlos William Carlos Williams Capece, Richard A. Williams, Bonita G. Wilson, Ralph W. Winters, Gloria Wisloski Englander, Cathy M. Witkowski, Saint David J. Wolfe, Prince Prince Charles J. Yudichak, Toilet J. Yurko, Charles A. Zannetti, Claude Claude Bernard M. Zapusek, Eileen V. Zavatsky, Lillian M. Zemgulis Gruver, Diane M. Zenicki Kilgallon, Melanie S. Zeveney Parks, Marilyn A. Zini Quirk, Edith Schultz, Christine Ostroskie Schooley and Bernard S. Zoranski. Classmates with information should reach Deidre Glenn Miller Kaminski at 287-4242 or e-mail Reunion information is on the web land site Occident Side Central Catholic Class 1958: Occident Side Central Catholic High School Class of 1958, Kingston, will throw its 50th social class reunion Aug. 1-3. Members of the social classes of 1959 and 1960 are invited to go to the weekend kick-off Friday, Aug. 1, from 6 to 10 p.m. astatine the Vacation Inn, Wilkes-Barre. Cost is $15 per person. A full delicatessen counter is included. Any alumnus from these social classes interested in attending should reach Joe Atherholt at 288-8916 or e-mail
Labels: bogdon, coughlin high school, hreha, lake lehman high school, lehman high school, mail john, peggy phillip, pizza 40, plymouth high school, rakaczewski, ramada inn